It’s Free Friday! Time to let go of the things that hold you back and keep you down. Choose to let go today and embrace all that God has for you. To celebrate, I’m giving away “the voice New Testament: Step Into the Story of Scripture”. “the voice” invites story lovers to step into the story of the Bible like no translation can do. Keep reading to find out how to win
If you haven’t done so yet, I’d like you to take a moment and watch the video below. These are Christian leaders in China who are getting their very first Bible. Up to this point in their lives, they have never had their own Bible. Before this, they used pages of a Bible that they had hand copied and used those to preach and study from.
This is a powerful video and reminder that we need to cherish God’s Word. Each day when it’s time to read it, we make excuses as to why we’re too tired or promise ourselves that we’ll do it tomorrow. Our Bible collects dust on our night stand and our walk with Christ slows to a crawl. We spend our time doing other things that require our attention and then wonder why God never speaks to us. We have silenced God in our lives by keeping our Bible closed.
A couple of years ago, our church was raising money to buy Chinese Bibles to send to ministers in China. They challenged us to count the number of Bibles in our houses to see how many we had. I had over 20 Bibles. I had surrounded myself with God’s Word, but was living in silence because not one of them had been opened in years. I had taken God’s Word for granted and put it on a shelf next to other books. I treated it as if it was just another book.
After watching this video, I decided to free myself of the excuses keep me from God’s Word. I began to dig into it daily. I got up earlier to make sure I had time to read it. Instead of making it the last thing I did each day, it became the first thing I did. If God wanted the “first fruits” of my income, why not give Him the first fruits of my time? I quit reading a chapter a day. I read until I heard from God and found a Scripture I could apply to my life.
A radical thing began to happen. My outlook on life changed. My crawl turned into a walk and eventually a run. The silence from God was broken. His voice came through loud and clear. I was able to make the right decisions and resist temptations that had beaten me every time. I grew stronger in my faith and put it into action. People noticed a difference in me. It all began when I quit letting my Bible collect dust.
Where is your Bible right now? Do you know where it is? How long has it been since you opened it? How long has it been since you opened the Bible app? How are things going in your Christian walk? It’s not a coincidence that the two are related. The more you are into God’s Word, the more vibrant your life will be. Let your excuses collect dust instead of your Bible. It’s time to value what so many have given their life for. It’s time to appreciate what you’ve been freely given. It’s time to love God’s Word again.
If you would like to win “the voice New Testament” and see the Bible in a fresh, new light, go to my Facebook page here and “like” it. I will randomly pick one person tomorrow (January 25, 2014) who has liked my page and give them the Bible. If you have already liked my page, you are automatically entered. If you like these daily devotions, please share my page with your friends so they can receive daily encouragement from God’s Word too.